Tuesday, 1 September 2015

SWAMPS Sunday 30.8.15

Another fine Sunday, light winds early and late, 10 to 15k around lunch. Clear skies but those west winds came straight off westernport and made it cool. 5 pilots turned up and all had a good days flying, add Alex's nitro monster truck for something different

 Above right is David C's 120 Spitfire and Alex's Red Zephyr and nitro monster truck.
Right is Fred C's Gladiator and 40 sized cessna.
Big and small Martins electric Stearman hitching a ride.......

 Right is Chris H's OS BGX 35cc powered Cessna and below right the twin returns for some more flying. Next to that is an electric G Bee R3, Chris has a passion for these with I think 4 different sized versions, the biggest a 3 metre 150cc monster, not flying yet. If it flies as good as the 2 smaller ones it will be a site. These surprise me, as they fly great, with no bad habits........

Martins electric sail plane and as in an above photo, also brought an electric Stearman.......

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