Friday, 16 September 2016

G'day all
 Fred and I went for a fly this morning. The field is still a bit wet in patches the wind was all over the place around 25KPH. Patches of sunlight but over all a good day
Fred doesn't know the name of the plane he just got so I called it MISFIT he is very happy with it seeing it hasn't be flown for about 10 years
My little brumby didn't like the wind much but it's still in one piece

Some of the big puddles on the field and with the forecast over the next few days it's not looking real good.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Sunday, 11 September 2016

David Chigwidden memorial barbecue/fly in
We will be holding a barbecue lunch at the field in memory of David on Sunday 6th November.
Members, past members and friends are invited to come along and fly or watch and reminisce.
We would like to know of who wish to attend for catering purposes.
RSVP: 30/10/2016 to Mike
See you then

Our annual and general meeting was held today after a great feast of snags and burgers (thanks Fred)
and a thank you to Chris's wife for the potato salad.
Was attended by 60% of club members.
Some good flying time as well.
 A pretty good line up

 Trailers seem to be the way to go these days
Matt had a battery that didn't want to play anymore